
This is a personal repository for managing and building helm charts. These charts are often experimental. YMMV


Add charts to the helm cli

helm repo add codekow https://codekow.github.io/helm-charts

Add charts to openshift Developer Catalog

oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codekow/helm-charts/main/openshift/helm-codekow-repo.yaml

To include a chart from this repository in an umbrella chart, include it in your dependencies in your Chart.yaml file.

apiVersion: v2
name: hello-openshift
description: A helm chart for the hello-openshift image
type: application

version: 0.0.1

appVersion: "1.2.0"

  - name: "hello-openshift"
    version: "0.0.1"
    repository: "https://codekow.github.io/helm-charts"

For additional charts, please also refer to the following:

Other Resources